REGISTER OF BIDDERS: Deadline for mandatory re-enrolment is 1 July 2020

The new Law on Public Procurement, which will apply from 01 July 2020, introduces certain reforms pertaining to the Register of Bidders at the Business Registers Agency (BRA).

In particular, legal entities and entrepreneurs that are registered in the Register of Bidders are obliged to renew their entry in the Register, which means that they have an obligation to submit an application requesting a certificate of absence of grounds for exclusion from the public procurement procedure.

An application can be lodged with the BRA no later than 01 July 2020, otherwise the Bidder will, by default, be stricken from the Register of Bidders. Supporting documentation must be submitted along with the application, that is, certificates issued by the competent authorities (courts, police, tax authority) as evidence that the business entity/legal representative has not had any  criminal convictions, as well as, evidence of the absence of overdue taxes/contributions/public levies, within the last five years.

The TSG Law Office is available to provide detailed information and instructions related to the Register of Bidders.

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