Employee rewards and shortened work week

We are pleased to invite you to TSG :Employment Talks: working breakfast on the topic:

Employee rewards and shortened work week


organized by the Law Office TSG Lawyers Belgrade in cooperation with the Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce (SSCC). The event will be held live in Belgrade, in Serbian. Venue: Hotel Zepter, Terazije 10, Belgrade, Zepter Conference Hall.

Lecturers at the seminar are Ivana Stefanović, partner and senior lawyer (TSG Lawyers Belgrade), Aleksandra Rajić, senior lawyer (TSG Lawyers Belgrade) and Prof. Dr. Svetislav Kostić (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Law).

The number of participants is limited. Please send your application no later than April 8, 2022 at office@tsg.rs.



09.30 – 10.00

 Registration and welcome coffee

10.00 – 11.30

Employee rewards and shortened work week


  • Ivana Stefanović, Partner (TSG Lawyers Belgrade)
  • Aleksandra Rajić, Senior Lawyer (TSG Lawyers Belgrade)
  • Prof. dr Svetislav Kostić (University of Belgrade Faculty of Law)

11.30 – 12.15

Q&As / Discussion at the working breakfast

Your data is being collected so that your request to participate in the event could be processed. Your data is being processed based on the EU GDPR Art. 6 para. 1 letter b) as well as based on Serbian Law on the Personal Data Protection Art. 12 para. 1 point 2). Please bear in mind that the event will be photographed and/or filmed. By your participation, you give consent to your photos video shots to be published (in the press, social media).

TSG Lawyers