Singapore Convention on Mediation

The Serbian National Association of Mediators (NUMS) in collaboration with ADR Partners Ltd. and TSG Lawyers invite you to join us at the accredited seminar

A New Horizon in International Trade Settlement Agreements

4-6 pm, Thursday, 5 September 2019
Impact Hub, the ‘Gallery’ presentation hall, Makedonska 21, Belgrade


Ljubica Tomic, Managing Partner, TSG Lawyers, Mediator and Arbitrator

Miroslav Paunovic, Lawyer and Arbitrator
Blazo Nedic, Lawyer, IMI Accredited Mediator, Regional Mediator of the World Bank

This seminar is aimed primarily at licenced mediators – intermediaries, lawyers, members of legal service departments within companies and other experts working in the fields of economics and dispute resolution.
Participation in the seminar is registration-free, as this event is proudly supported by TSG Lawyers and ADR Partners.

This is the first global convention on mediation. What are the implications of this convention for the Republic of Serbia and dispute resolution involving Serbia-registered companies? Will this international instrument impact on the development of the practice of mediation in Serbia, and in what ways? These are some of the topics we will address at the seminar.

TSG Lawyers