Webinar “Doing Business in Serbia”
On 1 February a webinar on the topic
“Doing Business in Serbia”
will be held.
The host and organiser of the webinar is the German association wcr e.V., which promotes multilateral relations between West and East. We are pleased to have been invited by wcr e.V. to report on the business climate in Serbia and the investment friendly legal framework.
You can register for the webinar using the following link. The webinar will be held in German.
Programme in German
17.00 Uhr | Begrüßung WCR e.V.: Dr. Karin von Bismarck, Vorstandsvorsitzende WCR e.V. |
17.05 Uhr |
Vortrag Dr. Alexander Neu (WCR): „Serbien und die EU“ |
17.15 Uhr |
Vortrag RAin Ljubica Tomić, Managing Partnerin, TSG Rechtsanwälte Belgrad
17.30 Uhr |
Vortrag RAin Ljubica Tomić, Managing Partnerin und RAin Tanja Glišić, Partnerin, TSG Rechtsanwälte Belgrad
18.00 Uhr | Erfahrungsbericht XXX |
18.15 Uhr | Q&A |
18.30 Uhr | Ende der Veranstaltung |
We look forward to meeting you!