E-documents in labour relations and current labour inspection practice

TSG Lawyers Belgrade will partner with the Slovenian Business Club (SBC) to host a working breakfast around:

Electronic documents in labour relations and current labour inspection practice


on Monday, 16 May 2022, at 09:30 at Zepter Hotel, Zepter Conference Hall, Terazije 10, Belgrade.

Members of the TSG team Aleksandra Rajić, Senior Lawyer and Teodora Veruović, Junior Lawyer, will present this topic from the perspective of Serbian law and existing case law. Prof. Dr Sasa Perišić, Acting Assistant Director of the Labour Inspectorate, will speak on the subject of inspections in the field of labour relations and the functioning of labour inspection in the conditions of Covid-19 and economic crisis, while Goran Marković, Head of the Department for Second Instance Administrative Procedure in the Field of Labour Relations and Safety and Health at Work, will address the issues related to inspection supervision and electronic documents in labour relations.

Translation: Vojislava Katić

TSG Lawyers