Expertise and Languages
Professional Career and Education
2009 – to dateProfessor of Russian and Serbian at the Russian Cultural Centre “Ruski Dom”, Belgrade ( courses in everyday and business communication) |
2012 – 2021Professional consultant for the Russian market at Elitas d.o.o., Belgrade. Identification of buyers, business partners; business correspondence; handling of various organisational, legal and other related matters. |
2012 – 2015 Lecturer of Russian Language at “LUKOIL Srbija” AD, company, Belgrade |
2010 – 2011
2001 – 2002Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Philology, “Ss Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, Macedonia. (Major: Slavic Philology) |
1997 – 2009Professor at the Department of Slavic Languages and Literature, Faculty of Philology, Voronezh University |
1999 – 2003Doctoral studies at the Department of Slavic Languages and Literature, Faculty of Philology, University of Voronezh, Russia (Major: Russian and Slavic Philology) |
1989 – 1994Studied at the Department of Slavic Languages and Literature, Faculty of Philology, Voronezh University, Russia. Major: Russian Language and Literature, South Slavic Languages |