This website at www.tsg.rs (the “Website”) is owned and operated by the Attorney-at-Law Ljubica M. Tomić, Carice Milice 3, 11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia (the “TSG”).

TSG is data controller of the personal information collected on this Website.

TSG has its head office at: Carice Milice 3, 11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
The contact email address is:  dataprotection@tsg.rs
The contact telephone numbers are: +381 11 3285 153, 3285 208, 3285 227
The Data Controller is registered in Belgrade BAR Association with the registration number: 54041349

In this Privacy Policy, references to “we”, “us” or “our” means TSG. References to “you” and “your” are to users of our Website.


This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use and otherwise handle “Personal Information” we receive from you when you use this Website and explains the circumstances in which we may transfer this to others. 

“Personal Information” is information about you which can be used alone, or combined with other information, to identify you personally.

Our Privacy Policy must be read together with any other legal notices or terms and conditions available on other pages of our Website.


1. Legal grounds for collection and use of Personal Information

We will only collect, use and otherwise handle your Personal Information on the Website when:

  • it is necessary for our legitimate interests in connection with operating the Website, in particular:
  • contacting you and responding to your queries;
  • carrying out direct marketing;
  • providing services and/or information to you;
  • interacting with external social networks and platforms;
  • hosting and maintaining our Website;
  • providing technical support to you;
  • preventing and detecting fraud and other criminal offences; and/or
  • ensuring network and information security,
  • analytics i.e. monitoring and analysing web traffic that can be used to keep track of users’ behaviour,


as long as, in each case, these interests are in line with applicable law and your legal rights and freedoms;

  • where you have agreed to this for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes; and/or
  • where this is necessary for legal obligations which apply to us.


2. How we use Personal Information that you provide to us

  • Contact Forms – we may collect your Personal Information which you choose to provide when you fill in forms on our Website. This may include, for example, your name, position, company, contact details (such as business email, telephone number and business address) and your personal preferences, choices and requirements specific to particular requests or services. We may use this Personal Information to respond to your queries, and/or provide the services and/or information that you have requested.

  • Events – if you register for one of our events, we will share your name, professional title and your professional address with other people that are attending the same event.

  • Interaction with external social networks and platforms – this type of service allows interaction with social networks or other external platforms directly from the pages of this Website. The interaction and information obtained through this Website are always subject to your privacy settings for each social network. This type of service might still collect traffic data for the pages where the service is installed, even when you do not use it.

  • Marketing – where you have provided us with your contact details, we may contact you by telephone or by post for marketing purposes relating to our services, our Website, and/or to research opinion on proposed legal or business developments where legally permitted to do so, unless you let us know that you do not want to receive this type of marketing. We will only contact you for these marketing purposes by electronic means (email) where you have agreed to this. Your consent to the use of your Personal Information for these purposes is optional and if you fail to provide your consent, your visit to and use of the Website will not be affected.

Marketing Opt-Out – you are entitled to opt-out from receipt of marketing communication at any time and free of charge by using the email address dataprotection@tsg.rs or by using the “unsubscribe” option included in any marketing e-mail or other marketing material received from us.

We may also use any Personal Information that you provide to us:

  • where legally permitted for specific purposes made clear at the point of collection on particular pages of our Website; and/or
  • where we otherwise have legal grounds for collection and use of your Personal Information as explained in more detail above.


If you choose not to provide Personal Information requested by us, we may not be able to provide you with the information and/or services you have requested or otherwise fulfil the purpose(s) for which we have asked for the Personal Information. Aside from this, your visit to the Website will remain unaffected.

3. Cookies

We use cookies on our Website. You can find out about the cookies we use and why by viewing our Cookie Policy. Our Cookie Policy should be read together with this Privacy Policy.

4. Information from other sources

Where permissible under applicable local laws, we may combine information that you have provided to us with other information that we already hold about you and which we have collected for a compatible purpose.


Some services that we provide require the involvement of third parties. We have carefully selected these third parties and taken steps to ensure that your Personal Information is adequately protected.

1. Google Analytics

This Website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. („Google„). Google Analytics works using cookies. Google Analytics cookies collect your IP address, however because IP anonymisation is used on this Website, your IP address will be shortened (and therefore anonymised) as soon as technically possible and before it is stored or otherwise used in connection with Google Analytics.

We use the information collected by Google Analytics cookies to find out about how visitors use our Website. Google Analytics utilizes the data collected to track and examine the use of the Website, to prepare reports on its activities and share them with other Google Services. Google may use the data collected to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network.

The IP address sent by your browser in connection with Google Analytics will not be combined by Google, with other data.

Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data, place of processing: United States

You can prevent Google Analytics cookies from being stored by setting your browser software accordingly (see our Cookie Policy for further information). However, please note that you may not then be able to make full use of all the Website’s functions.

You can also opt-out of Google Analytics by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en

2. Facebook Like Button and social widgets

The Facebook Like button and social widgets are services allowing interaction with the Facebook social network provided by Facebook, Inc.

Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data, place of processing: United States

3. LinkedIn Button and social widgets

The LinkedIn button and social widgets are services allowing interaction with the LinkedIn social network provided by LinkedIn Corporation.

Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data, place of processing: United States

4. Sharing within TSG and to Service Providers

The Personal Information you provide on the Website is collected by TSG. However, where we are legally permitted to do so in accordance with this Privacy Policy, we may transfer your Personal Information between and to attorneys-at-law who are also members of Law Firm TSG Tomić Sindjelić Groza.

Furthermore, we may share your Personal Information with our third-party service providers who we engage to process the information that we collect from you on the Website, and/or to host and maintain our Website, content or services, on our behalf and in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

We will let you know if we need to transfer your Personal Information to any third-party service providers located outside of the Serbia or European Economic Area (‘’EEA).

Where we employ third party companies or individuals to process Personal Information provided by us (and not collected by them), they only use this Personal Information on our behalf and in line with our instructions and this Privacy Policy.

5. Sharing with other third parties

We may also provide your information to other third parties such as regulators and law enforcement agencies, where we are required by law to do so, where necessary for the purposes of preventing and detecting fraud, other criminal offences and/or to ensure network and information security.


In accordance with and/or for the purposes of this Privacy Policy, we will only transfer your Personal Information outside of the Republic of Serbia or EEA or states which are parties to the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data:

  • where the transfer is to a place that is regarded by the European Commission as providing adequate protection for your Personal Information; and/or
  • where we have put in place appropriate safeguards, for example by using a contract for the transfer which contains specific data protection provisions that have been adopted by the European Commission or a relevant data protection authority.; and/or
  • prior approval for the transfer is obtained from the Serbian Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection; and/or
  • where you have consented to this, or there is another legal basis on which we are entitled to make the transfer.


It is our policy to retain your Personal Information for the length of time required for the specific purpose or purposes for which it was collected, which are set out in this Privacy Policy. However, on occasion we may be obliged to store some data for a longer time, for example, where a longer time period is required by applicable laws. In this case, we will ensure that your Personal Data will continue to be treated in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

For more information on how long cookies are stored, please refer to our Cookie Policy.


Our Website is hosted on servers in the Republic of Serbia. We employ appropriate security measures to help protect your Personal Information and guard against access by unauthorised persons. Information storage is on secure computers in a locked and certified information centre and information is encrypted wherever possible. We undergo periodic reviews of our security policies and procedures to ensure that our systems are secure and protected. However, as the transmission of information via the Internet is not completely secure we cannot guarantee the security of your information transmitted to our Website.


We acknowledge that the information you provide may be confidential. We do not sell, rent, distribute or otherwise make Personal Information commercially available to any third party, except that we may share information with our service providers and members of Law Firm TSG Tomić Sindjelić Groza for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. We will maintain the confidentiality of and protect your information in accordance with our Privacy Policy and applicable laws.


If you wish to:

  • to be notified on processing of your Personal Information;
  • access, confirm, copy, correct, rectify, update, supplement, anonymise, erase (to be forgotten), block, restrict or delete your Personal Information;
  • object to our use of your Personal Information;
  • withdraw your consent for processing of your Personal Information (please note that data processing upon the withdrawal of consent is not permitted, however the withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal);
  • if you have any questions about our processing of your Personal Information; or
  • if you would like to transfer your Personal Information from us to another person or business,


please contact us via email address dataprotection@tsg.rs or send us a letter to Attorney-at-Law Ljubica Tomić, Carice Milice 3, 11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia.

We will provide you with all rights in relation to your Personal Information to which you are entitled under applicable law. If you are unhappy with the way that we have handled your Personal Information, you can make a complaint to the Serbian Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection (Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 15, 11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, www.poverenik.rs) or authority responsible for data protection in the country that you are based. Contact details are typically available online, or alternatively you may ask us for assistance.


If you have any questions in relation to this Privacy Policy, or if you would like to contact us to exercise your rights as stated in this Privacy Policy, you may contact us at: dataprotection@tsg.rs.


We may change our Privacy Policy from time to time. When we change our Privacy Policy, we will publish the updated policy on our Website. Please check this Privacy Policy regularly. Subject to applicable law, all changes will take effect as soon as we publish the updated Privacy Policy, but where we have already collected information about you and/or where legally required to do so, we may take additional steps to inform you of any material changes to our Privacy Policy and may request that you agree to these changes.