Follow up TSG :Employment Talks: Employee rewards and shortened work week

On 12 April 2022, a TSG :Employment Talks: working breakfast on the topic of

Employee rewards and shortened work week


was organized by the Law Office of TSG and the Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce (SSCC). There was great interest in the event, which was held at the Zepter Hotel in Belgrade, with the presence of many business guests, especially from the IT and HR industry, as well as financial consultants, lawyers and in-house legal advisors from many companies operating in Serbia.

Since the topics of the seminar were very up-to-date, the working breakfast was a great opportunity to talk more about them. The issue of the shortened work week is a current topic all around the world, but also in Serbia, hence it is very important to understand which comparative legal models are currently present, and how to cross modern business needs and trends with existing regulations in Serbia in order to understand which models could be applied to work environment in our country. In addition, the positive experiences of such a model in countries where these models have been applied (in various forms), were discussed also at the breakfast. On the other hand, employee remuneration is a constant topic, with the currently growing interest in understanding the mechanism regarding the possibility of acquiring shares in the company, which was introduced as part of regulatory changes in recent amendments to the Companies Act. Finally, the whole presentation was given a tax context, where participants could hear about the most important current, as well as new tax incentives available to companies in youth employment, as well as in the field of research and development. They also talked about the exemption from paying the annual personal income tax for those under 40, as well as about extending the relief for newly settled taxpayers to the annual personal income tax.

At the working breakfast, members of the TSG team, Partner Ivana Stefanović and Senior Lawyer Aleksandra Rajić, spoke about the shortened work week and employee rewards, and presented these topics to the participants, both through comparative legal solutions and lecturer the prism of Serbia regulations practice. Our guest lecturer, the remarkable Dr. Svetislav Kostić, associate professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade, spoke about the tax aspects, as the author of a large number of regulatory changes in the field of tax legislation in our country.

We thank the lecturers, our valued guest dr. Svetislav Kostić, the Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce, as well as all present participants.

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Translation: Pavle Stavretović