SERBIA: Work of Courts Normalised, Time Limits Continue to Run Again

Conclusion of the High Judiciary Council of 7 May 2020 established that requirements had been met for normalisation of the work of courts as of 11 May 2020, in view of the Decision to Lift the State of Emergency issued by the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia on 6 May 2020 (RS Official Gazette No. 65 of 6 May 2020). As of 11 May 2020, all courts in Serbia operate on a full scale, while observing the mandatory health protection measures and the rules of conduct for employees and interested parties in court premises.

The lifting of the state of emergency on 6 May 2020, put an end to the Regulation on Deadlines in Court Proceedings During the State of Emergency Declared on 15 March 2020 (RS Official Gazette No. 38/2020), which provided for a stay of time limits during the state of emergency. Consequently, all time limits that had been stayed during the state of emergency, continue to run again as of 7 May 2020, and the time elapsed before their stay is counted toward the mandatory time limit.

Find out more about the regulations on the reduced scope of work of courts and stay of time limits during the state of emergency in our COVID-19 News 09

SERBIA: Scale of Court activities reduced and Stay of Time limits in Court Proceedings

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