Ljubica Tomić

Attorney at Law | Managing Partner


Tel. +381 11 328 52 27

Mob. +381 63 323 127

Fax. +381 11 328 51 53



Belgrade Office

Carice Milice 3, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

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Expertise and Languages

Corporate Law & Corporate Governance, Commercial Law, M&A, Foreign Investments, Arbitration, Mediation, Administrative Law, Antitrust, Competition & Trade


Professional Career and Education


Member of the Board of AHK Serbia (German-Serbian Chamber of Commerce in Belgrade)


Chairwoman of the Legal Committee of AHK Serbia (German-Serbian Chamber of Commerce in Belgrade)


Member of NUMS – Serbian National Association of Mediators


Appointed mediator of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia

since 2016
  • Lecturer in “Theory and Practice of Legal Reasoning” at the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade
  • Lecturer at the Academy of the Bar Association of the Republic of Serbia
since 2015

Member of the Executive Board of the Association of Serbian Jurists


Founding member of the Arbitration Association of the Republic of Serbia – Belgrade Arbitration Centre BAC


listed on the Arbitrator list of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Serbian Chamber of Commerce


Specialisation “Corporate Governance”, IFC / World Bank / Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade – IFC Corporate Governance Specialist, Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade


Law office TSG Lawyers Belgrade


Djurdjevic Law Office, Belgrade


Specialisation: ”International Trade Agreements”, Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade


Court Interpreter for German Language at District Court in Belgrade


“Jugobanka” Bank, Legal Department


Graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade

Ljubica Tomić is Legal Counsel to the German and Swiss Embassies in Belgrade, the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber in Belgrade WKO Austria and the German-Serbian Chamber of Commerce in Belgrade AHK Belgrade, as well as to numerous international clients, representing their interests in the Republic of Serbia. Founder and member of the Board of the Forum of German-Serbian Lawyers in Belgrade.

She advises in German, English and Serbian.


German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act – Serbian translation
(TSG Advokati, 2024 )

Hart’s Rule of Recognition and the Question of Predictability of Court Decisions in International Trade Law
(University of Belgrade – Faculty of Law, Institute of Comparative Law, LAW AND PUBLIC ACTIVITIES, Liber amicorum Jovica Trkulja, Dosije studio)

Environmental and Legal Aspects of the New German Law on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains – Impact Analysis on Serbian Legal Entities
(Strani pravni život – Institut za Upravno pravo – UDK 34, Beograd, 2023/ No. 2/ Year LXVII)

Negotiations in Serbia
(CBBL’s online magazine Crossing Borders – Negotiation worldwide 01-2023)

Retention of Property Rights in the World
(Burghard Piltz & CBBL (HRSG.) Mendel Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, ISBN: 978-3-943011-69-2)

Negotiations and Contract for the International Sale of Goods
(Journal of the Kopaonik School of Natural Law, May 2021)

Key Issues in International Distribution Agreements
(Journal of the Kopaonik School of Natural Law, November 2019)

Application of Convention on Contracts for the International sales of Goods
(BRANIČ – Journal for Legal Theory and Practice of the Bar Association of Serbia, No 1-2/2019, published in 2019)

Fulfilment of Contracts in Corona-19 Pandemic Circumstances
(BRANIČ – Journal for Legal Theory and Practice of the Bar Association of Serbia, No 1-4/2016, published in 2018)

Setting Aside Arbitral Awards due to Lack of Legal Reasoning
(BRANIČ – Journal for Legal Theory and Practice of the Bar Association of Serbia, No 1-4/2016, published in 2018)

Implementation of International standards in Serbian Contract Law: An Overview of Solutions Offered by the Future Civil Code of Serbia by Prof. Jelena Perovic, LLD and Ljubica Tomic, Managing partner of TSG Law Office
(Serbian Association of Economists – Journal of “Business Economics and Management” November, 2015)

Director’s Liability for Damage He Caused to the Company  by Prof. Jelena Perovic, LLD and Ljubica Tomic, managing partner of TSG Law Office
(Serbian Association of Economists – Journal of Business Economics and Management, No. UDC 65, ISSN 0353-443X, September to October 2014)

Arbitration: An Effective Instrument of Dispute Resolution
(OstWestContact Special, Germany, November 2013)

Liability management issues under the new Companies Act – In the best interest of the company
(OstWestContact Special, Germany, November 2012)

Negotiating the Contract for International Sale – Main Problems related to Different Cultural and Legal Traditions by Ljubica Tomic and Jelena Bogdanovic
(55th UIA CONGRESS in Miami, USA, November 2011)

Land Ownership and Conversion
(OstWestContact Germany, July 2011)

New Law on Public Procurement
(OstWestContact Germany, March 2009)

Green Field Investments in Serbia
(OstWestContact, Germany, November 2008)

Development of Practice regarding Franchise Contracts in Serbia
(International Sales and Distribution of Goods, Union International des Avocats, Belgrade, April 2008)

Development of Law in Serbia
(OstWestContact, Germany, January 2007)

Squeeze Out/ Buy Out in Serbia
(OstWestContact, Germany, October 2006)

New Law on Enforcement Procedure in Serbia
(OstWest Contact, Germany, March 2006)

Labour Law in Serbia
(OstWest Contact, Germany, October 2005)

Translation of Constitution of Federal Republic of Germany into Serbian language
(“Official Gazette of FR Yugoslavia”, November 2003)

New Social Movements – on the Example of Ecological Movement
(“Annals”, Law Faculty, Belgrade University, 1994)

Constitutional-Legal Control of the Constitutionality of Law, Award of Law Faculty, Belgrade University 1992
(“SINRS”, Vol. VIII, Young Researcher of the Belgrade University, 1993)